MVB Purification Statements
I release mental and emotional blocks easily and effortlessly. They are dissolving, dissolving, completely dissolved. My entire being is completely purified.
My mind, body and awareness are now returning to their normal, natural and complete states of perfect health.
All unneeded blockage patterns are released and completely forgotten. My entire being downloads and resides in beneficial, healthy states.
My mind is open, ready and activated to manifest my highest good.
My mind, body and soul automatically work together in perfect harmony to bring light, joy and peace into my life.
Source Empowerment Statements
I willingly surrender old emotional patterns that are no longer beneficial. All blockages are completely dissolved and purified. New, beneficial and helpful patterns are now manifested.
Any previously stuck, hurt or splintered parts of myself are now healed and released. Stagnant energy is purified and flows again. I am completely healed.
I am empowered by the highest sources of Light, warmth, love, wisdom and compassion. This power radiates through me and blesses everyone I have a connection with. This power flows through me into all aspects of life and transforms them for the benefit of all.
My levels of acceptance and openness are increasing. The parts of myself that are ready are now healing, healing, completely healed. I am returning to a natural state of purity, innocence and joy.
Streams of abundance flow naturally and connect with all areas of my life.
General and Project Programming Statements
Each day, I am increasingly successful in every way.
I am completely supported by the universe.
All my projects proceed smoothly and manifest for the best of all concerned. Any apparent setback becomes a golden opportunity to bring about even greater good.
My mind, body and awareness are becoming open to greater and greater possibilities. This fills me with a childlike joy and wonder. All my projects bring great benefit to all beings and in turn receive great help and blessings.
Service Statements
I increasingly enjoy the many blessings manifesting endlessly in my life. I receive these gifts with humility and gratitude. I allow these blessings to overflow through me into all beings. I am becoming a stable anchor for light and love.
My mind, body and awareness are becoming open to greater and greater possibilities. This fills me with a childlike joy and wonder. All my projects bring great benefit to all beings and in turn receive great help and blessings.
Each day, I increasingly embody love, joy, peace, abundance, compassion and wisdom. These energies are transforming all areas of my life for the highest good.
Automating Statements
The tremendous power of this experience immediately manifests great benefits into my life.
My mind, emotions and system continue to accept and install all beneficial changes smoothly and efficiently.
My thought, speech and feeling patterns are completely purified. I patiently and willingly allow these new patterns to transform my life for the better.
These images of success continue to be transformed, purified and empowered for the highest good until it is no longer needed. I rejoice and enjoy the blessings now.
I willingly increase my levels of trust and faith that my highest good manifests, and this attunes my entire being to the ultimate source of abundance.
My mind automatically inspires, downloads and installs my highest vibrations in all areas of life. My sense of enjoyment increases as I welcome these changes into my life.
My mind, body and awareness continue to automatically and smoothly release any remaining blockages and vibrate at the optimal level. My life is constantly evolving into greater purity, love, joy, peace, connection, compassion and wisdom.
Riding on my increasing sense of trust and faith, I allow these energies to continue to transform, heal, attune and empower me for my highest good as I humbly rest in enjoyment and gratitude.
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