This is the method of using the NSE (Near Suicide Experience - see previous post) as a root experience to draw from to overcome psychological suffering. In this sense, the NSE is valuable, because it is a reference point to draw from that people who have not undergone the experience will not have. If you use this in combination with any of the releasing methods - the Sedona Method, the Complete Acceptance Process, EFT, Inquiry, ROLCE etc. - you will find a greater willingness of your awareness to become fluid and open, thus releasing and bypassing the pain.
The process then:
1. Pain - When you experience psychological pain, it is up to you to notice. With reference to the NSE, make sure you remember how the pain came before the struggle, and see if you can catch it before serious struggle develops. If you do not, then it will follow the NSE experience development described in the previous post. However, this method can come into play at any point before the Mad Point i.e. before you find peace the hard way!
2. NSE pain perspective (Price Tag of Attachment) - Meditate briefly on how quickly pain can escalate into exposed insecurity, struggle, withdrawal, the suicide point/victimhood and fatigue. If you learn to do this soon and often after the NSE experience, you will gain valuable insight into the impermanent nature of "reality" because it shows you the huge pain of attachment. This is Key Advantage #1 NSE-ers have over non-NSE-ers. They have seen the price.
3. Release/Surrender/Tiredness Point - Before you have to go through all that nonsense leading up to the Mad Point, release. Of course, not all life situations will force you all the way through even the Suicide Point, and most will just result in minor struggle. However, the power of the NSE is that it shows you how far the furthest will go, and if you have survived it, you can draw directly from the power of the Mad Point for every situation. What is the value of this? The minor struggles won't even happen, and for the major ones you will be able to quickly move through the releasing process and thus bypass all the pain and suffering. I call that a good bargain.
Another way of looking at it - you never know how big a struggle is going to become, and you will waste huge amounts of mental resources figuring that out. I advocate the idiot's approach - simply assume the worst for every situation and apply the best technique - this one - directly. It's actually also the most effortless and efficient technique, so why would you even bother with others?
The Tiredness Point is Key Advantage #2 for NSE-ers. Meditate and sit in the energy of how it was to feel so completely tired of mucking about with struggle, retreating, running, the Suicide Point and all that rubbish. If you can find that feeling again and evoke it, it will quickly enable you to let go. This is like learning not to leave your hand on a boiling kettle. Others learn it because they are taught. NSE-ers have burnt their hands. Learn from it, and let go before the kettle boils. So the tiredness is very efficient. It cuts through all the struggle because it says, "I know the pain that is developing. I know what will happen if I fight. So why bother? I give up and let go."
NOTE: This is NOT giving up on life, and NOT about giving way in the physical world in any way. It is giving up the struggle mentally to force things to be one way or another. It is about intentionally losing the battle to protect one's insecurities, and to let them be completely exposed. The NSE teaches you that the apparent pain of exposing one's insecurities is much, much preferable to the pain of going through the struggle. You can be doing a tough negotiation and still be totally detached from the outcome. That is what this is about. It is not about avoiding a stance. It is about taking a stance, but ignoring the outcome. Then you can enjoy the fight!
This also tells us that this technique is not painless. In fact, it may well be painful, especially at first, as you jump into the insecurities and pain. And don't expect all the pain to just fade away. Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't. But if you sit in them long enough, they will. Give it time - you develop psychoses over years - they may not exactly go in one day. Learn to enjoy the fear of being totally exposed and mentally defenceless. That is your ultimate defence, for not to fight mentally is to win. The Feeling Exercise of Arnold Patent becomes very particularly effective when you meditate upon this point.
4. Mad Point - Not usually necessary if you did step 3 right. In fact, I add this on as an extra. Meditate on this point of the process to remember the meaninglessness of it all. And through this meaninglessness you find meaning, for you realise that everything is what you make of it, and so you can choose how you make meaning of the world, and thus liberate yourself to true empowerment. This is also where the Turnaround from The Work becomes particularly effective, especially for the ones which normal society would consider madness - for example, "Your son should have died."
Byron Katie promotes The Work, but there is a deeper meaning to her experience that not all get. She understands the point of great emptiness, the ultimate meaninglessness of it all. That is the Mad Point that the NSE-ers experience. This is why people who come close to suicide and survive are transformed. They come in touch with the Mad Point, which is also the divine connection, and are transformed by it, whether they know it or not. Sitting in the Tiredness Point perspective, the cutting aspect of The Work (i.e. the Four Questions - the education part of The Work) on thought becomes effective. Sitting from the Mad Point perspective, the pacifying aspect of pure awareness automatically reveals the falseness of thought, and it becomes irrelevant.
The Turnaround has a re-framing aspect to it, which speeds up the re-organisation process. However, for those who sit in the Mad Point and do nothing else, the change is automatic. It is no coincidence that Master Chunyi Lin says that when you reach emptiness in your meditation, just let the whole thing go and be in it. It takes care of everything else.
Naturally, this point is Key Advantage #3 for NSE-ers.
5. Get on with life. Sitting in the Mad Point forever is boring, and no way to live life. For it to reveal its brilliance, you need to get on with life. Or you could stay in it and vegetate. Your call. The important thing is that it is the end of suffering.