Monday 18 March 2013

To Manifest: The Mind Power Part 3

Source/copyright: JDP90 (Joydeep)


There are very few tricks that practitioners of different approaches use for programming the subconscious. Essentially, it is important to note some basic points before examining the tools:

1. Your subconscious blueprint or program is what runs by default. It consists of habitual thoughts, deeply impregnated memories, assumptions/presumptions, beliefs, emotional experiences, values, fears etc.

2. The programming can be changed either
(a) Gradually, by adapting existing beliefs and thought systems
(b) Radically, by creating a completely new system
(c) In a blended approach of the previous two, where you reach as far as you can within certain confines of the existing system which are either too difficult to change, or conveniently positioned to achieve certain results.

Admittedly, this is a very technical way of describing the process, but it is the basis for tying many different methods together in a coherent and powerful way.

3. Regardless of tradition, there have been very few variations in terms of how the subconscious is affected. The how-to part of this post attempts to boil these variations down to their most basic form.

4. An important distinction must be made between an "open" versus a "closed" thought or concept. An example of a closed concept is "money". Most people have a very specific idea of what they think money is, although the notions probably differ very widely. It is closed in the sense that ordinarily you would not expect your opinion of what it is to be challenged. An open concept would be "abundance". There is less certainty around what that means, and there is room for contemplation and expansion. That means that open concepts are easy entry ways into the existing system, because through them, you can introduce changes both gradually and radically. It is no coincidence that the Touchstone Words are all open concepts. Of course, they are coloured by existing presuppositions, but they are openings nonetheless.

5. Essentially, changes in subconscious programming are achieved by
(a) Reducing the mind to a state of quiet and suggestibility, where existing "noise" due to the current blueprint is at a minimum. Relaxation is usually a key component of this.
(b) Deliberate stupidity or a devil-may-care attitude. This is where there is some component of the blueprint active, but relatively minimally so.
(c) Openness or curiosity, where contemplating possibilities allows previous viewpoints to be dropped or changed.
(d) Intense feelings or experiences, which change the blueprint by their very force.
(e) Bedazzlement, such as via ritual or exhibitions, where a person's belief is temporarily suspended as they are hypnotised by a process. It is interesting to note that this may not necessarily be relaxing - all that is required is that belief is temporarily forgotten and unenforced.
(f) Repetition, which is the key to embedding a new blueprint. Practically all forms of programming have this component in some shape or form.
(h) Using a strong concept already present in the person's mind. For example, a strongly religious person would have very strong concepts (positive or negative) of God. Programming that would create effects more quickly than for an atheist, who has little reference one way or another.
(i) Deliberately phrasing the programming in such a way that existing programs and thoughts will offer it minimal resistance, like getting a bug into a system. (Only in this case, it is a positive one!)

6. How identified the thought is affects its prominence in the blueprint. This is why visualisation and imagination techniques involve the practitioner imagining an event as already past, or currently happening. The more the subconscious mind perceives it as actually happening or having already happened, the more powerfully it accepts it, and the more energy is subconsciously poured into its manifestation. Most such attempts by unsuccessful meditators through the ages occur because they manipulate the meditation too much - always tweaking this or that, without actually entering into the experience of it. The act of analysing it or over-directing the process automatically removes one from a first-hand experience, and instead enforces the paradigm of not having (since if you had something you would hardly be orchestrating an experience to get it). The degree of "first-handedness" is thus vital.

7. Touchstone Words essentially build strong new thought patterns (see 5(h)) by contemplating open concepts (see 4). By using single words, personal issues are sidestepped (see 5(i)), since most blueprints will not react to a single word. Repetition on a daily basis gives this time to build (see 5(f)), especially at bedtime when the mind is drowsy and more suggestible (see 5(a)).

In this article, we increase the power of Touchstone Words by using intensely deep relaxation methods (5(a)), increasing the energy of the word through the contemplation of related concepts and how they relate to a situation (5(c)), becoming fully infused sensation with the word so that it can become more effective (5(d)), being willfully ignorant (or playing dumb) when encountering resistance from the existing programs (5(b)), increasing the amount of attention paid to a thought until complete absorption to the exclusion of all else is achieved (5(e)) and finally increasing the feeling of the goal achieved (6).

With that as a theoretical backdrop, the following methods become logical and acceptable.


The methods of increasing programming effectiveness all have to do with how real or accepted the programming is perceived as. (See 6 above.) Here, several attitudes and states are suggested. As one puts on the attitudes suggested, the receptive state becomes available. Obviously, although I call these different "minds" they do not really exist per se. They are simply a useful model for understanding the process.

The Simplistic and Accepting Mind - Child-Like Faith

This is where the meditator intentionally pretends to have a childlike mind, deliberately ignoring what he "knows" (which is nothing more than past programming, whether it is actually true or not), and instead pretending he is a child, being told something and accepting it completely, having no reason to believe otherwise. This is one of the most powerful and receptive states, provided it is used properly (and not abused). The meditator recalls a time when he or she was innocently accepting, or when he saw this child-like faith, and imagines that he himself has it this very moment.

The simplistic part of the equation is very important - if attempts to analyse or monitor the situation are made, the analytical mind becomes engaged, and there is again a divorce between the perceived reality of the programming.

The Don't-Know Mind

Occasionally, the issue is so embroiled in the meditator's awareness that it is difficult to think about it and not have thoughts come up. This may activate existing beliefs. In Touchstone Words, we avoid this by actually simply focussing on the word and building its power until it naturally filters into different parts of our lives. However, as the meditator becomes more skilled, it is possible to contemplate how a particular word could relate to finances, health, or relationships. (See the Contemplating Mind below.) When he or she does this, beliefs could arise unasked. If the child-like mind and composure is affected, it is wise not to deny the thoughts their existence, for that very resistance can create more negative programming. Instead, approach them with a "don't know" attitude.

The "don't know" can be done in different ways. One way is to adopt an "I don't know how" methodology. Pretend the thoughts arising are simply another person asking you questions and you are calmly saying "I don't know". This acknowledges the thought, but allows you not to engage, instead keeping the focus on the positive programming which is being accepted. Another form of "don't know" is simply to pretend you do not understand the thought that is arising. It is like someone calling up on a telephone, except you imagine the line is garbled and the words are distorted. It is just a collection of sounds. This is an excellent way of staying present.

The Contemplating, Curious or "I Wonder How" Mind

As one contemplates the Touchstone Words, one's experience of them changes, becoming richer and richer. Notice that at least initially, we say "Abundance" rather than "I have abundance". This is to avoid any blockages related with the idea of whether "I" can have abundance. It conveniently sidesteps issues of deservingness, adequacy, "should"s and other value judgements that may be hidden in the psyche. The contemplation of abundance in pure form is more than sufficient to bring up associations which will positively impact the subconscious mind. Only when our programming of this one word is strong enough should we attempt to spread its influence to different areas of our lives.

In doing this, we adopt a curious attitude. We ask, "I wonder how abundance may arise in my relationships?"

This is clearly an open attitude, as opposed to a closed notion of what abundance is. It uses thought to stretch our notions of what is possible. This is slightly and lightly invading the space of existing programming, and is done very gently, tiptoeing in so as not to activate the guard dogs of the current blueprint. Eventually, the benevolent influence spreads. When meditating in this way, other Touchstone Words will naturally arise in our minds as related concepts.

It is very important to be gentle in this process. Over time, the associations will become stronger, richer and more powerful.

The Engrossed, Distracted or Bedazzled Mind

This is really a form of the Contemplating Mind, but one so curious as to merit its own section. Certain ritualistic, meditative or even technological methods avoid the need to confront the existing blueprint by essentially overloading the mind. By forcing the mind to perform different tasks of such complexity that it is completely engrossed, it is temporarily unable to pour any energies into activating the existing blueprint. At this time, the new programming is introduced. There are both intuitive and manifestative methods of this class, although they are relatively rare. Practices of divination or magic that require highly intellectual analysis, such as certain forms of the I Ching and Taoist methods also fall within this class. They work by distracting the intellect of the practitioner with complex theories - to the point where it forgets to object to the new programming.

The "Can't Help It" and Bliss Minds

This is one way of checking to see if resistance is still there. The meditator relaxes into the experience of, say, abundance. Then, he allows abundance to become his very nature. He then looks about and relates to his environment as though he can't help but BE abundant. He can't be anything else even if he tried. This is similar to the practice stage hypnotists use when they tell audiences to pretend their hands are glued together and that they are unable to separate them. This process is similar, but it is used to lock in the state.

The Bliss Mind is related to the "Can't Help It" Mind. Once the meditator is convinced that he cannot escape a state of abundance, he instead sits down to experience it and enjoy it. Enjoying is the way to bliss, and indeed a way to powerfully lock an experience into it. This is a powerful state - imagine thinking "I am healed, and there is nothing anyone can say, do or think to change that now. I might as well see what this experience of being healed is like. Oh, it's quite pleasurable!" Of course, this happens within one's mind before it pervades to reality, but this is the inner experience of it. The outer senses are shut out temporarily for the purpose of installing this positive programming.

The Mind in Repose

As the mind becomes accustomed to the bliss, it gently relaxes and the programming is embedded even more deeply. In this form, it becomes the Mind in Repose. It is no longer necessary to interact with the new programming - it is there and taking hold on its own. In fact, this is a stronger form of the "Can't Help It" Mind, because you truly can't help the new programming being there. This comes as trust and familiarity with the new state increases and resistance melts away.

The Conquering or Don't Care Mind

The Conquering Mind is one I have doubts about describing, as its misuse can lead to all kinds of problems. Essentially, the techniques related to the Conquering Mind methodology eschew the gentler pervading methods of the earlier minds, but instead plunge directly into the core of old programming, forcefully changing it. Where the "Don't Know" Mind acknowledges but does not engage, the "Don't Care" Mind bulldozes ahead with little regard for what the previous blueprint says. It is an act of will to remain focussed, willfully so (pun not intended), to the point of exclusion. This Mind does not tiptoe - it charges.

Performing methodologies of this type using closed concepts and assuming "I know best" can be dangerous and cause severe damage to the sanity. It is far safer to combine them with techniques of the Inspired Mind (see below). I will not go into the methodology of the actual conquering here, save to note that it actually exists for the sake of completeness. It is not an ideal path for most people, and ultimately it is unsustainable on its own - it is only used in very extreme situations, where the will of the person involved is very strong, but the inner noise levels are so high that they are difficult to quiet. When it is over, the meditator should revert to one of the other methods.

The Inspired, Surrendered or "Thy Will Be Done" Mind

This is a very unique type of stance, which tends to exist among the very devoted, the faithful and practitioners of mediumship (for better or for worse - this is a neutral document). This method is seldom if ever described, because again many things can go wrong. In essence, the practitioner quiets his mind and focusses on some version of "Thy Will Be Done". For the purposes of subconscious programming, it matters not to whom the appeal is done, so long as the practitioner perceives it as some form of benign Infinite Intelligence. A discussion of spiritual beings is outside the scope of this study, so it is sidestepped.

The practitioner then practices complete surrender to the Higher Intelligence in question. Note that this is essentially the use of an open concept to allow a hole in the current programming into which Higher Intelligence may pour inspiration and create changes. Again, details of the method will not be shared here.

The Awakened Mind

As the practitioner skates through these states and becomes more adept at them, he will inevitably come to contemplate the nature of mind itself. This is a life-long study, but suffice it to say that manifestation is but the painting - the contemplation of the canvas on which that painting is created is also important. Both are required in order for the fullness of life to be experienced.

In the next part, we look at the role of ego and identity in programming.

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